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Free Ebook: Small Business Customer Strategies 101

Written by on March 09, 2017

Here at InvoiceBerry we’re excited to announce our 101 series is growing with the addition of our new free ebook, Small Business Customer Strategies 101.

Our 101 series is made for new and upcoming small business owners who finally want to get a grip on all the important aspects of their business.

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We started with the most important: Small Business Finance 101, then tackled Small Business Marketing 101.

Now we’re looking at Customer Strategies. More specifically, we’re looking at how you can not only get your new customers, but we also look at the most important, tried and true ways to keep them coming back for more.

The business world can be difficult, and with increasing globalization comes increasing competition. If you want to survive and succeed, you need to find the best ways to acquire new customers.

But beyond just that, you need to learn how to communicate with them, build a good relationship, and turn them into repeat customers. Even better, you can find many ways to lead them to their highest point: a loyal customer.

To help you with all of that, we’ve created our Small Business Customer Strategies 101.

Learn how to get and keep your customers with our free ebook

When you download the free ebook, you’ll find the following topics:

Ways to Get New Customers

The first part of any business (besides making great products or services) is finding new customers.

But with so many conflicting tips out there, what’s the best way? We look at everything you need, including your ideal customer avatar (ICA), customer referrals, inbound marketing and much more.

Building Great Customer Relationships

Once you’ve got your new customers, you shouldn’t just leave them hanging. After they make that first purchase, you need to nurture them and move them up the ladder of customer loyalty.

In that way, you can make sure they keep coming back for more.

Small Business Customer Strategies 101 goes over how to get your customers and keep them

Perfecting Customer Communication

Customers need constant communication with you in order to feel closer to your brand. Besides that, if the lines of communication are clear, you can keep your products or services updated and know when your customer is dissatisfied.

We explore the best ways to stay in touch with your customers.

Ways to Keep Your Customers

Lastly, we look at how you can improve your customer retention. We look at how to calculate churn rate and the best ways to decrease it.

We also explore how social media can keep you in closest contact with your customers in a casual, relaxed manner.

Download our free ebook today!

Small Business Customer Strategies 101

There’s no way you can lose by getting our free ebook. Not only will you get proven tips on getting your customers, you’ll also find the best ways to keep them around for longer.

With these strategies mastered, you’ll be well on your way to increasing your sales and exploding your revenue.

Download Small Business Customer Strategies 101 today.

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