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6 Reasons Why It’s Good to Have a Side Hustle

Written by on April 02, 2018

Having a job and needing a job have become a reality for most of us. Sometimes we just don’t have the luxury of waiting around for the perfect employment opportunity to fall into our lap. A side hustle may be something to look into.

A study has been done about employee satisfaction of the job they currently find themselves in. Shockingly, only 13% of employees surveyed in over 140 countries said that they “enjoy going to work”.

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That is a rather dismal number if you ask me, but don’t let that bring you down. You can always add a bit of variety to your life – spice things up a bit.

Change up your routine, enhance your daily schedule and find new passion in life. while bringing in some extra cash. What I am talking about here is setting up a side hustle for yourself.

If you are passionate about something outside of work – taking up hobbies, chances are they can be refined and turned into a side hustle that offers variety of additional benefits.

1. Additional Revenue Stream

Many ideas have the potential to bring in extra cash.

Additional cash is always a welcome sight. Increasing your spending power is something we all strive for. Sadly in recent years, the wages have been stagnating in much of the world. What can we do to help alleviate some of those financial woes?

So this brings me to the first point – side hustle as an additional revenue source.

There are a variety of part-time jobs out there that can bring in additional capital into your life. But that of course is not your only solution.

Learn to apply your skills, get creative and come up with your own ways that can help generate additional income.

When you start something on your own, money won’t always start falling from the trees. It may take some time to start bringing in some substantial revenue. Don’t be discouraged, find something you enjoy and keep the momentum going.

2. New Creative Outlet

Creative outlets offer a variety of benefits.
Creative outlets offer a variety of benefits.

Now of course what you decide on for your side hustle is up to you. You aren’t confined to any particular area that you have to focus in to start bringing in the extra income.

Set your sights on something you’re passionate about or want to dwell deeper into. It always helps you garner the necessary motivation to push through the ups and downs if it’s something that’s close to your heart.

Not Only Financial But Also Health Gains

Let’s venture away from the financial gains associated with your side hustle. Let’s think about the positive health aspects that accompany people’s creative outlets.

Stress and anxiety are those things we try to avoid but they may still find us at times. Creative outlet helps you keep your mind off of things that may bring bouts of stress or discomfort in your life.

Think about music, drawing, writing, volunteering, and many other things that can become a large aspect of your side hustle, and as a positive byproduct help alleviate negative pressures of life.

3. Challenge Yourself

Side business can bring positive changes and new challenges.
Side business can bring positive changes and new challenges.

Some jobs can become stale after a little while. You can get stir crazy and just fall into the monotony of doing the same thing over and over again. Maybe you even exhausted the “boss, is there anything else I can do for you?” card.

Asking for a promotion may not be on the table either – it’s not the right time or may not be available. New jobs could also be scarce, so you don’t want to quit just yet.

Going down the side hustle route can give you some new challenges to overcome while at the same time developing those skills that may have been left on the back burner.

Who knows – you may reignite an old passion or discover a new talent that you never knew existed.

25 Successful Entrepreneurs Who Quit Their Jobs to Pursue Their Passions These are the real stories of successful entrepreneurs who quit their jobs to pursue their dreams. Read more to get inspiration for your own business idea. READ MORE

4. Ability to Encounter New People

After being chained to a particular job for a while, you probably already have figured all the in’s and out’s of the business and the people within.

Depending on your current career choice, this could become mundane after some time. Another wonderful perk of pursuing a side project for yourself that you enjoy doing is exposing yourself to new ideas and new individuals.

Trying new things and experimenting with hobbies will always bring you into new environments and new people. The networking opportunities that will arise will be the ones worth remembering and may help develop your side business further.

5. Experience For Life

Experience whether it’s negative or positive can always benefit you and help you grow as a person. Venturing out into the unknown and trying to develop a side business that can bear delicious fruits of your labor will surely grant you with valuable experience.

The benefits of your little side hustle you’re planning on having are ample. I mentioned some of them previously but let’s not forget the experience gained through this can really enhance your resume.

6. Could Lead to a Whole New Career

This is a very interesting and a worthy factor that may motivate you to pursue a side project. Some side projects can turn into lucrative businesses that will make your day job obsolete.

Now this may not always be a case, but it does happen. Many entrepreneurs start their own businesses while still maintaining a day job for financial security.

If things start well and continue on steady path upwards, you may start dedicating more and more time to your new endeavor. As time goes on, you can become your own boss working on your own schedule, doing what you love.


Don’t solely rely on your day job for your finances. Let your creativity shine through and turn it into something more.

Think of ways you can apply your knowledge, your passion, that you can help with your cash flow. With time, this side hustle may continue to bloom, bringing you more than just financial benefits.

See how this side hustle pans out for you. While developing the business for yourself, you might just end up part of the 13% that enjoys waking up in the morning to go to work.

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