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Small Business And Freelancing November Roundup

Written by on November 09, 2022

Welcome to the second last month of this year!

This month we have gathered some of the latest and greatest news and tips for small businesses and freelancers. Make sure to check these headlines with a warm cup of coffee and enjoy the cold rainy month of November! 🙂

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Small Business

1. For Any small business be it a house cleaning business or any other cleaning service, knowing the charges is as crucial as providing the services. we manage to write a well-written guide for beginners looking for tips on how to charge for your cleaning service to target the ideal market.

2. Creating a positive workplace doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time, commitment, and effort from leaders and employees alike. To do it effectively, it is necessary to evaluate your employees. In this article, you can learn the 8 easy ways to evaluate an employee’s performance and benefits both your employee’s growth and the well-being of your business.

3. Starting a business itself is a difficult task let alone starting it in a foreign country and making the new venture a great success simply sounds impossible. but hold on don’t let your mind tell you otherwise. Here are some tips to start a business in a foreign land that can be both emotionally and financially rewarding for you.

4. After launching your business the next main goal of a small business owner is to protect their small business from fraud without fail, but what possible initiatives we can take to protect small businesses click the link and learn the most basic and effective strategies to protect your small businesses.

5. if you are a small business owner advancing your way to the top, you need apps to help your business succeed. Here’s a list of the top 10 benefits of small businesses having their own mobile App. I am sure after reading this blog you are sure to get your business a mobile application for upgrading your brand awareness and sales.


1. Passive income is something everybody wants to get their hands on. after retirement our main goal is always to invest in something with passive income but where should we invest? it has always been a confusing question. but not anymore in this article you can find some smooth and effective investing ideas for passive income.

2. What is Withholding tax? and how to calculate withholding tax for a small business? I am sure many of you are already familiar with the term withholding tax. If not, read our most demanding article in which We’re exploring everything from tip to toe what withholding tax is and how to calculate withholding tax correctly for your small business.

3. Profitable Business ideas for the economic growth and prosperity of a country are something we rarely come across. energy is essential for life and can never be outdated especially renewable energy. business owners need to invest in the energy sectors like oil & gas. In this article, we’re exploring the best profitable energy business ideas all based on credible research and case studies from around the world.

4. Estate planning is more than just writing a will to leave behind for your loved ones. Some decisions can lead to terrible family rifts that never mend. Click here to avoid these 5 mistakes while writing an estate plan for the peace of your family.

Freelancing & Entrepreneurship

1. E-Commerce has made lives easier for everyone but starting it as a profitable business is quite another thing. Many entrepreneurs start an e-commerce business thinking it will be easy. They create the website or sign up as a seller on Amazon and just wait for the sales to pour in. but that’s not how it works. we brought you the finest article on 15 ways to increase your eCommerce sales apply these tips and let the sales come to you.

2. One of the most active strategies for eCommerce marketing is a referral program, let’s be honest we can’t resist the urge to buy things when our family or friends recommend us something, and if our favorite influencer recommends it, it will definitely become a priority to buy. Yes, this is what the referral program is, make sure to satisfy your customer so they will be happy to refer you to others. Dive in to know more about how to build a referral program into your Online Business.

3. Freelancers now play an integral role in the world of business, and you’ll be hard-pressed to find a company that doesn’t work with freelancers. Now that the demands of freelancers are at their peak, the hype of becoming a freelancer is increasing, before you step into this platform here is what you need to know about freelancers’ income, deductions, and taxes.

4. In business traveling is one of the most important things as you have to travel from city to city or country to country. entrepreneurs have to face inflation and rising airfare prices. Read this article here to know about affordable business travel.


1. For brands marketing is the backbone of their overall strategy, the main purpose of marketing is to promote your products. this is where Social media marketing plays its role. Social media marketing not only can help you target your audience but also generate leads and sales and save you time and money. if you want to build a successful brand strategy through Social media marketing this article is definitely your cup of tea.

2. In this digital era, where technology has taken over the world using the HRMS software is the smartest choice one can make for the betterment of their business. If you’re not using this type of system already read our article to get an idea. Invest in this software for the future of your business, Not only will it save you time, but it will also save you money in the long run.

3. We are only 52 days behind to unfold the new year, A smart businessman always plans ahead, so how should your agency prepare for the future and avoid the obstacles of frequent market shifts? don’t worry! we got your back read this article for 8 digital marketing strategy insights for massive agency growth in 2023.

4. When we talk about digital marketing, Instagram soar to the top as a champion, portraying a strong brand image on a social media platform. But many businesses are still struggling to master the usage of Instagram. If you’re looking to make this new leap in social media and step ahead in your game, this guide is just what you need. Read here the eight effective tips for marketing through Instagram.

We hope that you found our small business and freelancing November roundup informative and updated. It will help you to grow your business with the right financing, marketing, and tools. Stay tuned for the next one!

Topics: Roundups

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