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Small Business and Freelancing Roundup: Week of 03/07/20

Welcome to our first roundup of July! Let’s have a look at the the most important updates from this week.

Small Business

1. Building a remote-first culture can be challenging especially for small business owners. Check here the main challenges and benefits of remote work.

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2. The Senate agreed to extend the Paycheck Protection Program for small businesses. Find out more about the approved bill here.

3. American Express found a new way to encourage their customers to shop with small businesses. Check here how much credits Amex will give to their cardmembers.

4. Improving your business website can boost your traffic and create better user experience. Here are the most important features that can improve your website presence.

5. The recent report shows that small biz owners are optimistic about the future. Check here how coronavirus stimulated innovation among small businesses.

Freelancing & Entrepreneurship

1. Dogs or cats cafes became very popular in recent years. Here’s how to open a dog cafe business and important things to keep in mind.

2. One of the biggest challenges for a startup or small business is to engage new clients. Check this article for 4 best tips to attract new clients to a beauty business.

3. Freelancers and independent contractors will pay taxes like regular PAYE employees.Find out more about IR35 tax reform here.

4. Entrepreneurs can learn a lot from filmmakers as their role is quite similar to the one of an entrepreneur. Make sure to check these 4 lessons you can learn from a filmmaker.

5. There are many opportunities entrepreneurs can get financial support and build a successful business. Check here 5 resources black entrepreneurs can leverage.

That’s it for today! Tune in next week for more!

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