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Small Business and Freelancing Roundup: Week of 22/05/20

Written by on May 22, 2020

Check out the latest and the greatest news for small business owners, entrepreneurs and freelancers from around the web.

Small Business

1. When starting a blog the very first thing you should do is pick a blog niche and name. Here are tons of great expert tips and tricks on how to start a blog.

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2. Are you wondering how viral marketing can help your brand? Check here what is viral marketing and how it works.

3. Many SMBs will have to close permanently during the pandemic and a lot of jobs will be lost. Check here if Washington will be able to stop it.

4. Staying together during the crisis can make small businesses stronger and give them a better chance to survive. Find out more here.

5. Small biz owners should check these three inspiring stories to keep their businesses afloat during difficult times.

6. If you’re wondering how coronavirus will impact small businesses long term, make sure to check out this article.

Freelancing & Entrepreneurship

1. Many novice freelancers believe that setting low prices for their services will help them get jobs faster. But by doing so, you may also reduce the value of your work. Here’s how to set an average price as a freelancer.

2. Entrepreneurs can now learn from freelancers how to stay productive while working remotely as they perfectly understand work-life balance.

3. Leaders of freelance platforms found effective ways to engage with clients and reinforce their loyalty during the crisis. Click here to find out more.

4. The strength of your character as an entrepreneur can help you win over investors and clients. Here are the key habits that investors look for.

5. The Lonely Entrepreneur (TLE) has launched a free survival guide for entrepreneurs. Check here what you can learn from the Entrepreneur Survival Guide.

That’s it for today! Tune in next week for more!

Topics: Roundups

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