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Small Business and Freelancing Roundup: Week of 03/11/17

Written by on November 03, 2017

It’s getting colder day by day, and looks like that soon we’ll be seeing our first snow this season.

Meanwhile, let’s check what’s new in the business and freelancing world.

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Small Business

1. In the UK, banks are getting impatient about the Brexit transition deal and need it by the end of the year. Read more here.

2. Retirement money is one of the biggest concerns for small businesses. Take a look at the best plans out there.

3. Email marketing is one of the most common ways to outreach your customers. Here are 3 tips on how to make your emails effective for your business.

4. Having any kind of business these days is impossible without having a website. Read the checklist for your landing page here.

5. Augmented reality is the next trends for the ads online. Specialists say that Snapchat is doing it much better than Facebook and Google.

Freelancing & Entrepreneurship

1. As most of the customers rely on other opinions before buying products, online reviews are vital for freelancers. Here’s how you can boost your revenue with them.

2. It’s hard to go freelance all of a sudden, and before doing that you need to think of your goals. Here are some basic tips on setting realistic goals.

3. Is Twitter dying as a business platform, or you still can use it to attract prospective customers? Find out if it’s worth spending time on it here.

4. When you’re looking for the investors’ money, it’s really important to do it right. Here are some tips on writing the best business plan to get you funded.

5. There are a lot of things to consider when starting a new business. Check out these top 5 things to avoid when doing it.

That’s it for today! Tune in next Friday for more!

Topics: Roundups

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