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Small Business and Freelancing Roundup: Week of 23/09/16

Written by on September 23, 2016

October is coming next week already, and the small business mood is very different across the world. Some are already excited about the Christmas season this year, while others are thinking about wrapping up their businesses due to economic and political instability.

Let’s take a look at what small businesses and freelancers have been up to during the week in our weekly roundup.

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Small Business

1. According to the FSB survey, UK small business confidence is the lowest since 2012. Despite that, a whole 55% of companies are planning to grow over the year.

2. In the US, JPMorgan Chase has revealed that small businesses now have only 27 days of reserves on average, so expanding is out of the question for most of them.

3. However, in Australia things are much brighter, as the SME index jumped from 83.0 to 95.6 last quarter, with high optimism about the upcoming Christmas sales boost.

4. Meanwhile, in Canada small business lending has risen to 118.7 points, signalling the ongoing strengthening of the country’s economics.

5. Again in Canada, it’s really important to choose the right bank that charges less. Check our list of the 6 best business accounts here.

6. The start-up survival rate in London is just 40%, despite the fact that it’s getting easier to start a new business in the UK. So why do so many businesses fail?

7. One of the must-do things when running your own business is to manage your finances in the most efficient way. That’s why our 9 tips will be extra handy.

8. Managing your employees’ various health plans and coverage options may be tricky for small businesses. Here are the most frequent issues and how to deal with them.

9. Mobile commerce has been developing quickly within the last few years. However, small businesses shouldn’t forget older buyers who still spend a lot of money.

10. Apple has recently announced and launched the new iOS 10. Check out the 10 features small businesses need to know about.

Freelancing & Entrepreneurship

1. How can you make invoicing fun and brighter? Just download our free new templates that you can easily customize and boost your visibility with no effort.

2. Which types of freelance-employer work models are there, and how can you choose the one that’s right for you?

3. ‘Mompreneurship’ is growing, and here are the best business ideas for all the mathematical, techie, creative, or analytical moms out there.

4. Many young entrepreneurs launch their first startups whiile studying at university. Read some advice about how to keep up both with life and career during these years.

5. Are you improving your writing skills and thinking about a freelancing career as a writer? Here are some business ideas to inspire you.

6. There are better things in retirement than watching ‘I Love Lucy’ and ‘The Brady Bunch’ reruns. You can start your own business and become an entrepreneur.

7. Are leaders born or made? Why do leaders lose their spark? Science finally answers all the most common questions about leadership.

8. Social entrepreneurship is the next best thing in the world. Learn how to become one and master it.

9. There are four main archetypes of leaders, which one are you and how can you choose the correct way to lead your team?

10. With the new season of Shark Tank coming up, get familiar with these 10 hints on how to win the deals that can be applied to every entrepreneur’s life.

That’s about it with the major news of the week. See you next Friday!

Feel free to comment below if we missed something today.

Topics: Roundups

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